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2024 December Balanced Income MDA performance

Brett Careedy

Please find the quarterly performance update for the Fin-X Wealth Balanced Income MDA below.


The contents of this communication are prepared by Brerona Capital Asset Management Pty Ltd (A.C.N. 627 650 293; AFSL 520526 trading as Fin-X Wealth). Any advice contained in this communication is general advice and does not take into consideration your personal objectives, goals, needs and financial situation. You should therefore not rely on the information contained in this email to make any investment decisions without first consulting an investment professional such as your financial adviser. Where there is any reference to specific products, you should obtain the relevant Product Disclosure Statement(s) and familiarise yourself prior to making a financial decision. The authors have relied on external data sources and as such do not guarantee the accuracy of the information, as such you should independently verify all data yourself. Any unauthorised use of this communication is prohibited. This email (including any attachments) is intended only for general information purposes. You must not copy, reproduce, disseminate, or use this document and its contents without seeking prior approval from Fin-X Wealth. We track our performance based on trade date +1 day, and we make the assumption that trades were placed at this time, this may not always be the case. This may result in timing differences for trades placed through our custodian not perfectly reflecting the reporting function which reports the end of day price. Actual performance you experience may not truly reflect the results outlined in the table due to timing differences, commission differences etc. Please take these performance numbers as indicative only.

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